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Showing posts from July, 2012

When your feeling Hungry

When your feeling Hungry ... Feed the Soul with recitation of the Quraan and Good Deeds.

Ramadan Kareem

Mosques are full wid people, Alhamdulilah more ppl have become "Muslims", InshaAllah they will remain Muslims even after Ramadan. :) :)

Subhan Allah ...

Ramadhan mode on - All senses are guarded

Ramadhan mode on - All senses are guarded

Zakat - Obligatory Charity in Islam

The Alms Tax for Muslims Giving charity in the form of zakat is one of the five pillars of faith in Islam. Annual almsgiving is incumbent on all Muslims who own a minimum amount of wealth.    All Muslims are required to pay an annual charitable tax called zakat (also zakah ). The word zakat is derived from the Arabic verb zaka , which means "to purify" or "to grow." Paying zakat , then, is a way for Muslims to purify their wealth by giving some of it away in charity. In addition to paying zakat , Muslims may further purify their wealth through sadaqa , or voluntary charity .  Nisab and the Requirements of Zakat     Zakat is an obligatory charity for Muslims and is one the five pillars of faith in Islam. Any Muslim who owns nisab – a minimum amount of wealth or property which has been in his possession for a year – is required to pay an alms tax on it. According to, the minimum value of nisab in the United States is approximat

Ya Allah

Ya Allah don't let this Ramadhan be the same.. Ya Allah don't let me fast in vain... Ya Allah give me strength... Ya Allah I'm so excited!!

The fasting of good Muslims have 6 points

The fasting of good Muslims have 6 points: (1) Restraining the eye from haram (2) Restraining the tongue (lying, slander, backbiting) (3) Restraining the ear. If it's haram to say, it's also haram to hear (4) Save hands, feet, and other organs from engaging haram (5) Limited food consumption at the time of breaking fast (6) Keeping the mind between the fear and hope of Allah -Imam Al-Ghazali in his masterpiece, Ihya Ulum-ud-Din
Ahlan ya Ramadhan – Welcome to you O the month of Ramadhan. Ramadan Mubarak, do dua for 4 weeks of barkat, 30 days forgiveness, 720 hrs of guidance, 43200 mins of purification, 2592000 secs of noor..... All deeds multiplied ten times, except for fasting, whose multiplication goes beyond this limit"~ Ibn Rajab This is amazing. How to finish the Qur`an in Ramadan! Anyone up for it. Happy fasting to all the muslims ! May Allah accept and bless our acts of worship and forgive our mistakes . Ameen♥

Are You Ready ?

                                         Are You Ready ?
As part of the preparation to meet Ramadhan, Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. taught us this du’a. اللهم بارك لنا فى رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان Reported by Ahmad and Tabrani, from Anas r.a.
‎2 days till Ramadan !! You've got to free some time and prepare ur soul for the holy month ...

Ramadan is back

                         Ramadan is back ... I'm very happy.


           A smile is sadaqa , :) So keep smiling everyone ....:)
     Alhamdulillah. Signposts along the road from Makkah to Madinah.     Translation: All thanks and praises due to God.                              Without Allah i am nothing                         True Tahajjud

Halal Food and Haram Food

Islamic Dietary Laws and Restrictions Muslims observe a number of Islamic dietary restrictions. Most foods are permissible for Muslims to eat except for those foods which have been expressly forbidden.  Halal and haram are two Arabic words which are used extensively and broadly by many Muslims. Halal refers to what is permissible, while haram refers to what is expressly prohibited or forbidden in Islam. Halal food, then, denotes all food and beverages which do not contain any impermissible ingredients under Islamic dietary laws. Although the list of Islamic dietary restrictions is not long, haram foods might show up as by-products in long lists of ingredients in prepared foods. What Foods are Haram for Muslims to Eat? Islamic dietary laws are based on verses in the Qur'an which forbid Muslims from consuming the following products: alcohol and other intoxicants pork or pork by-products blood or blood by-products animals which have not been slaughtered a

Adhan: The call to prayer in Islam

The Call To Prayer: The adhan is the call to the prayers in Islam , recited by the muezzin usually from the minarets of a mosque . The main purpose behind the loud pronouncement of adhan five times a day is to remind the believers to discard all worldly activities at prayer time and assemble for the mandatory (fard) prayers. The History: In 622 AD, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the newly converted Muslims of Mecca to migrate to the city of Medina to avoid persecution by pagan Makkans and their powerful tribal chiefs, In Medina, a large group of supporters eagerly awaited their arrival. After reaching Medina, the first thing that the Muslims (the immigrants and the hosts) did was to build a simple mosque so that they could gather together to pray and learn the teachings of Islam . This mosque was called the Quba Mosque.   When the construction of Quba Mosque was complete, the Muslims discussed ways of calling everyone to the mosque at

Ramadan Is Coming

Dear Muslimin and Muslimat The Holy Month Ramadhan Is Coming.....Let's prepare for it : )

When did you last read the Quran ?

Wasting Time

I have met many people who do not know the meaning of life. Allah has made some of them independent of means because they have a great deal of wealth, so they sit in the marketplace for most of the day, watching people, and they may see a great deal of evil deeds and objectionable things. Some of them focus on playing chess and some waste their time in talking about the rulers, or how expensive or ... cheap things are, and so on. I realized that Allah does not guide anyone to understanding the preciousness of life and the value of time and health, except the one whom He inspires to make the most of it. “and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter, i.e., Paradise and of a high moral character)” [Fussilat 41:35]

Bohot nalaik hun main

Who is a GIRL ???

♥ Respect every girl/lady (Mother/Daughter/Sister/Wife) in your life. You will never know what she has sacrificed for you !...♥♥♥