Tonight let's make a dua for those people less fortunate than us. We have so much to be thankful to Allah for and yet we still complain and are generally ungrateful. Let's spare a thought for those people who don't have warm houses, hot food, loving families. May Allah show us humility and make us realise how blessed we really are. Ameen
“If u haven't made the most of Ramadan as u feel u could have, then make the most of the last 10 days inshaAllah.”…♥ There is still time 4 us to redeem ourselves in the last blessed days of Ramadan. We must NOT miss this opportunity.
Allahu Akbar! Let's see if we can admire a man praising Allah without criticizing him. Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent.♥ ♥ ♥